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About Me

Hi, my name is Melissa Cisneros and I am Photography graduate from Student at LaSalle College Vancouver. I was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico and spent 3 years in College to become a psychologist but there was something missing, it wasn’t 100% what I wanted so I  decided to go to Vancouver to pursue my dream of being a photographer (although, you'll learn that it took a bit of a turn).


Why did you decide to be a photographer?


So, I started photography simply because it's a family thing. My dad comes from a large family, and has 6 sisters and one of them is really into photography... she’s even been published a few times. She is the reason this all began; she would always have her camera ready for any reason and lucky enough, I was allowed to help. She is the one that taught me about photography. She would let me use all her old cameras (yes, they were actually old) and taught me what she knew. I fell in love with the composition and art of photography without knowing the technicalities of using a camera.


Why do you say photography took a turn?


Okay so, I know I said that my dream was to be a photographer and I even went to school for photography, and while in school I found a new passion bigger than photography… retouching.


I came to realize how crazy I am for retouching. Whoever has spent time with me knows how much I enjoy playing around with various programs in my computer but, being able to master more than one and being able to create something magnificent from something good; having to think of every small detail that maybe you know nobody else will notice but that you do and you know it affects the image to the best.


I don't know how to describe the feeling other than satisfying. So, now that I got that out of my chest, my photography style is centered in Fashion and Beauty photography just because of this, because I wanted to be able to do retouching and this are some of the best styles that need retouching in them.

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